In January 2021, the two-year project Hidden at Work – Labour and sexual exploitation and harassment of women in the (private) work sphere started. This project is coordinated by LSI’s member FairWork in the Netherlands and jointly implemented with LEFÖ IBF in Austria, La Strada Czech Republic and La Strada International. The project is funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme of the European Commission.
This project aims to conducworks on (online and off line) awareness-raising and outreach to women in irregular work or with an irregular status, who will be provided information, empowerment and (referral to) direct support services, to ensure they know how to claim their (labour) rights. The project consortium further trains professionals who are likely to detect exploited or harassed women at work.
In addition, the consortium monitors the implementation of existing relevant legal instruments and advocate for better compliance with legislation. This includes advocacy for the ratification by EU Members States of ILO’s Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190). The Convention entered into force on 25 June 2021.