The project Justice at Last – European Action for Compensation for Victims of Crime was coordinated by La Strada International and implemented in cooperation with partners in Bulgaria (Animus Association), Czech Republic (La Strada), Spain (SicarCAT and Esperanza), Germany (KOK), Austria (LEFO), The Netherlands (FairWork), Ireland (MRCI), Romania (Adpare), Macedonia (Open Gate/La Strada) and Serbia (ASTRA).
The project aimed to identify and analyze remaining barriers, as well as needs and best practices on how to overcome such barriers; to equip professionals with knowledge and skills on claiming and providing assistance for obtaining compensation to victims of crime; and to raise awareness about the most effective mechanisms on victim protection and access to compensation amongst professionals, policy makers, service providers and victims of crime in Europe.
Project activities included the identification and legal analysis of compensation claims; assessment of gaps related to victims’ needs, referral, and receipt and payment of claims; international and national trainings, seminars and focus group meetings for professionals on claiming compensation; and a European information campaign to promote compensation to reach victims of crime and other groups; and the establishment of interactive online resource centre. See project website
This project was partly funded by the European Union’s Justice Program (2014-2020).
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