The ENPATES project has been promoted and carried out by On the Road (Italy), La Strada International, Anti-Slavery International (UK), ALC (France), ACCEM (Spain), ADPARE (Romania), LEFOE (Austria), KOK (Germany), and PAG-ASA (Belgium), with the support from the Prevention of and Fight against Crime Programme of the European Commission, Directorate-General HOME Affairs.
The project, implemented between 2010 and 2012, established a Pan-European, stable, flexible Platform for anti-trafficking NGOs with the aim of developing a common framework for analysis and action to orient anti-trafficking policy, strategy and programming and with the purpose of improving the operational coordination among European NGOs. In this view the ENPATES Platform set up a system for the functional exchange of knowledge, good practices and advocacy initiatives in the field of prevention, assistance, protection and social inclusion of trafficked persons.