datACT is a joint collaboration of KOK e.V. – German NGO network against trafficking in women and violence against migrant workers, and La Strada International. datACT engages in research, training and public debates to promote the rights of trafficked persons to privacy, autonomy and protection of their personal data.
The aim of datACT is to promote the rights of trafficked persons to privacy and autonomy and to protect their personal data. The timeframe of datACT is from November 2012 to October 2014.
datACT will raise awareness and build capacity among NGO counselling centres in selected European countries to protect the confidentiality between the counsellor and trafficked persons and to assist them in providing safe and anonymised data to European data collection procedures. Further, it seeks to inform trafficked persons about control procedures to secure their personal data.
The project will create alliances for data protection among the relevant stakeholders, including NGO counselling centres, National Rapporteur Mechanisms or equivalent structures, IGOs and national data protection authorities.