The Organisation Novi put was established in 2010 and it is registered at the State level. The Association “Novi put” is currently one of the few CSOs in B&H that has been focused on the prevention of human trafficking. The staff is composed of experts with excellent knowledge of the relevant legislative and regulatory framework of B&H whose anti-trafficking experience ranges from 10-16 years.
The organisation is a member of the La Strada International NGO Platform and European NGOs Platform Against Trafficking, Exploitation and Slavery, (ENPATES). And it has been selected as the partner NGO by the B&H Ministry of Security, member of the core State Anti-trafficking Team. The anti-trafficking endeavors of Novi put resulted in a signed Memorandum on Joint Cooperation with the B&H Min. of Security. Novi put participates in drafting and reviewing all the relevant State Action Plans and Strategies aimed at prevention of human trafficking, child pornography and paedophilia.
Adema Buća 10, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Telephone number: 387 36 988022
Discover more organisations that are part of the La Strada International platform, the European Platform against trafficking in human beings.