
Novi put

The Organisation Novi put was established in 2010 and it is registered at the State level. The Association “Novi put” is currently one of the few CSOs in B&H that has been focused on the prevention of human trafficking. The staff is composed of experts with excellent knowledge of the relevant legislative and regulatory framework of B&H whose anti-trafficking experience ranges from 10-16 years.

The organisation is a member of the La Strada International NGO Platform and European NGOs Platform Against Trafficking, Exploitation and Slavery, (ENPATES). And it has been selected as the partner NGO by the B&H Ministry of Security, member of the core State Anti-trafficking Team.  The anti-trafficking endeavors of Novi put resulted in a signed Memorandum on Joint Cooperation with the B&H Min. of Security. Novi put participates in drafting and reviewing all the relevant State Action Plans and Strategies aimed at prevention of human trafficking, child pornography and paedophilia.

Contact details:

Adema Buća 10, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Telephone number: 387 36 988022


Discover more organisations that are part of the La Strada International platform, the European Platform against trafficking in human beings.