An op-ed published on Euractiv argues that the European Union needs to develop three approaches to meet the migration challenges in the Mediterranean. The authors, Dr James Dennison and Prof Andrew Gedde from the European University Institute, warn that “conditions are rife for dangerous policy drift where the EU doubles down on familiar approaches of reinforced border security, breaking the ‘business model’ of smugglers and returning irregularly arriving migrants.”
Instead, the EU must, first, meaningfully consult Mediterranean neighbours in the development and implementation of migration policies in the region. Second, improve its communication to the public and would-be migrants regarding safety, rights, return, and trafficking and smuggling, in cooperation with other actors, as well as evaluate the effectiveness of these actions. And finally, the EU must work with cities and local authorities on both sides of the Mediterranean since they are the ones who deal with the day-to-day of integration, return and re-integration. Read the entire op-ed here.