Recently GAATW published a special issue of the Anti-Trafficking Review. The review ‘Armed Conflicts: Migration, Trafficking, and Labour Markets’ arrives at the right but also critical time. Currently, over 110 million people are forcibly displaced and 2 billion live in conflict-affected areas.
The seven articles, which focus on The Philippines, Ukraine, the Sahel, Nigeria, Mexico, and Colombia, provide new empirical insights into the links between HMVC, trafficking, and precarious migration and labour. They offer important recommendations to governments, policymakers, and civil society on protecting the rights and well-being of people who flee or choose to remain in such contexts.
Suzanne Hoff, International Coordinator of La Strada International and Eloise Savill from our member Anti-Slavery International contributed to the review with a short paper outlining some of the risks of exploitation that people fleeing conflict-affected areas face when trying to access employment in countries of transit and destination. It argues that businesses have a responsibility to prevent and mitigate these risks in their operations and supply chains. Based on interviews with civil society representatives in six European countries, this paper provides a list of measures that employers can take to protect their employees from exploitation. Read the full article here.