
OSCE and CoE Meeting on Trafficking Responses

Recently the annual Anti-Trafficking meeting of the Council of Europe and OSCE took place. Those responsible for the coordination of anti-trafficking policies and actions across regions came together. They discussed measures to enhance national and regional anti-trafficking responses and how to strengthen their impact. During the meeting, Petya Nestorova, Executive Secretary of the Council of Europe Anti-Trafficking Convention, concluded: “A clear political commitment and broader societal involvement are needed to sustain and strengthen the efforts to combat human trafficking. We can make better use of existing resources, networks, knowledge, and expertise. No one can do it all alone, but together we can make a difference for the benefit of the victims and to the detriment of the traffickers”. In early December, the National Coordinators and Rapporteurs on THB from EU countries will gather again, this time on the invitation of the EU AT Coordinator in Brussels. Civil Society is then also invited to exchange with the Rapporteurs and Coordinators.