BSR, a global non-profit organization that works with its network of more than 250 member companies and other partners to build a just and sustainable world, has published a white paper ‘Seven Questions to Help Determine When a Company Should Remedy Human Rights Harm under the UNGPs’ that identifies seven questions that companies may ask to better understand their connection to negative impacts and appropriate responses. These questions are not intended to be applied formulaically or rigidly. They are designed to help guide companies as they consider appropriate actions under the UNGP cause/contribute/directly linked framework when a negative impact arises.
Restructure Lab launched a publication which examines the difficulties of implementing transparency legislation to address forced labour in supply chains. Despite increased attention on corporate responsibility, transparency legislation to date has been hindered by lack of mechanisms to ensure compliance and address needs of victims. Top-down supply chain governance without additional funding for suppliers can also magnify existing power imbalances for workers by gender, ethnicity and geography. Further OECD Watch has recently published a guide explaining how civil society can evaluate a company’s gender due diligence. Irresponsible business conduct can adversely impact women and LGBTQ+ people in unique and gender-specific ways.