The year-long Human Rights 75 Initiative was launched in December. More than 100 States, and a wide variety of other stakeholders, will present their pledges for advancing human rights. A High Level event on 11-12 December was attended by more than 80 dignitaries, including 9 Heads of State, 4 Vice-Presidents and 8 Prime-Ministers.
On 14 December, the UN Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, Siobhán Mullally, in collaboration with UNHCR, ILO, IOM, UNODC and ICAT launched a Multistakeholder pledge related with the Global Refugee Forum. The SR called upon States to commit and prevent trafficking among asylum seekers and refugees. This can be done by ensuring effective access to international protection for trafficked persons by expanding resettlement, family reunification, and safe migration pathways, next to ensuring effective access to asylum and other forms of international protection; protection against refoulement and recognition of risks of re-trafficking. See more
See also PILNETs GRF Legal Community Pledge. By signing this Pledge, you’ll join forces with legal professionals worldwide who are using their expertise, passion, and influence to drive meaningful change for refugees, asylum seekers, stateless people, and others forced to flee.