In July, LSI joined the digital awareness ‘Be Safe’ campaign, launched by the OSCE’s Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and Thomson Reuters. This campaign, targeting refugees from Ukraine, provides information on recognizing and minimizing human trafficking risks and how to get assistance. The campaign website refers to available hotline and assistance services, including those offered by LSI members. The Be Safe campaign will be running for several months. See more https://www.helpforukrainians.info/
Since the war broke out in February 2022, LSI members have been offering direct support to refugees from Ukraine, including (legal) consultation and advice, relocation of persons and where needed the provision of shelter support. La Strada International and members have further been raising awareness about human trafficking risks for refugees from Ukraine via dissemination of flyers and other awareness materials and online information provision. Next to the OSCE, cooperation took place with numerous other actors, including the office of the EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator, Council of Europe, UNODC and various civil society actors.