On 1 Januar 2024, the preparations for the COMCRIM project started. COMCRIM is an interdisciplinary Dutch research project, which a focus on crimes that undermine democracy and the rule of law, including in the area of human trafficking. The project will be formally launched in December 2024.
La Strada International jointly with our members FairWork and CoMensha and over 28 scholars, financial institutions, and several other private and public partners form the consortium, which is coordinated by the Universities of Amsterdam and Maastricht.
All of the actors are cooperating to examine how such crime can be detected in unconventional data sources, such as banking records, follow the money, and discern criminal networks, patterns, and effects. Based on the data we seek to understand the intended and unintended consequences of such crimes.
La Strada International is very happy to be a part of this innovative project.