28 Feb 2022
ITUC demands that the ILO adopts occupational health and safety as a fundamental right at work. Three years have passed since the ILO Centenary Conference agreed that this would be done. In that time, according ITUC, around 8.1 million people have died as a result of their work, and even more now live with life-altering injuries and illnesses because their employer did not protect them.
The ITUC and its affiliates are calling on governments to take action by:
- ratifying and implementing core ILO health and safety conventions;
- ratifying and implementing all sectoral or hazard-specific conventions;
- establishing national health and safety bodies bringing unions and employer representatives together;
- requiring occupational health services for all, and proper compensation including making Covid-19 a recognised occupational disease.
ITUC with other workers’ unions will be pressing their demand this International Workers’ Memorial Day#IWMD22
source: ITUC