In March 2024, the EU funded project Info Rights started, aiming to enhance information and awareness on the rules and procedures regarding intra-EU posting of workers. The project also foresees to build capacities of involved stakeholders, such as workers, employers and social partners, so that posting procedures can be carried out in compliance with EU law.
EU posting is one of the schemes that is misused to recruit and employ Third country national workers for cheap and exploitative labour. The project focusses on posting in the agriculture and manufacturing; two sectors generally known for exploitaiton and abuse of migrant workers. Specific attention will be paid to the role of temporary work agencies and the rights of posted workers, from remuneration to social security. Seasonal workers and posted third-country nationals posted in both sectors are particular focus groups.
Next to La Strada International, the project consortium includes social partners, research institutes and NGOs from Portugal, Poland, Spain, Germany, Denmark and Norway.
The consortium will jointly work on establishing:
- An informative Portal, providing transparent and accessible information on the terms and
conditions of employment for EU Member States involved and Norway, in the addressed sectors. - A Plan for Information and Communication, aimed at increasing the information capacities of
the members of beneficiary social partners, other national social partners, workers and
employers, in addition to allowing the EU- and country- level promotion and use of results. - The development of a Chatbot to provide accessible and quality information on employment conditions of displaced workers.
Info Rights is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only, and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them