
ILO publishes report on decent work in Platform economy

A new Law and Practice report, Realizing Decent Work in the Platform Economy , has been published by the ILO. According to ILO “the report marks a crucial milestone in the process that can lead to a new international labour standard on decent work in the platform economy. It will be discussed at the 2025 and 2026 International Labour Conferences”.

The report provides up-to-date information on the way countries are handling the opportunities and challenges created by the growth of this form of work, by presenting a description of existing regulations and practices from around the world.

The report also includes a questionnaire via which Governments are requested to provide their views on the form, scope, and content of any future labour standards.

“The rapid growth of the platform economy is reshaping the labour landscape globally,” said Nuno Cunha, ILO Senior Labour Market Institutions Specialist. “It is introducing new ways of mobilizing and organizing work, opening up new markets for businesses, and creating new jobs and income-generating opportunities. But there are also challenges for ensuring decent work for all workers. As a response, some Member States have already adopted regulations while others currently have draft legislation before their legislatures.”

Governments are being requested to consult with employers’ and workers’ organizations on their replies to the questionnaire and submit their responses no later than 31 August 2024.

In December 2023 the EU Council and Parliament have reached a provisional deal on a proposed directive to improve working conditions for platform workers. The provisional agreement will have to be endorsed by the Council and the Parliament. Improving legislation in this area is highly important, especially as working conditions for platform workers are often unjust and even dangerous, mostly for workers without regular residency. See more about the topic on PICUM’s blog.