
EESC opinion on revision EU anti trafficking Directive

On 16 March, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) organised a consultation to inform its opinion on the EC proposal for the revision of the EU Anti-Trafficking Directive. La Strada International was one of the speakers, next to the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), the Dutch trade union FNV, Europol and others.

LSI is monitoring the process

Since then, LSI has been closely monitoring the process. The EESC adopted the opinion at a plenary session of 26 April. La Strada International welcomes the EESC’s emphasis on the need to strengthen victims’ rights and references made for the need of safe reporting; adequate application of the non-punishment principle and enhancing access to compensation among others by using assets recovered from criminals to compensate victims. La Strada Internatioanl also strongly supports the Committee’s call for access to residence permits on personal or humanitarian grounds. LSI is also pleased that the opinion highlights the need for more attention for vulnerable groups, such as minors, minorities, refugees and undocumented migrants. It is hoped that this opinion will be taken into account during the further negotiations by the Council and Parliament on the revision of the Directive.

See here the final adopted version of the EESC opinion.