
Deathly Working Conditions on Italian Farms

Tens of thousands of migrant workers work on Italian farms each summer. They pick vegetables, flowers, and other crops across the country. This year, the country has faced many consecutive heatwaves since the middle of June, and migrant workers, who are often subjected to forced labour, were not adequately protected from the heat. This led to the recent death of an Indian migrant worker, who was found dead in the fields after working in 40-degree heat all day long. The issue is known among the Italian police, who reported to have found more than two dozen Indian migrants whose passports were confiscated by their employers or who lived in dilapidated housing. Still, it is unknown how many workers faced health consequences due to the heat in Italy this summer. However, the country is estimated to have the highest fatality rate in Europe due to high temperatures with more than 12’000 heat deaths. Read more about the working conditions on Italian farms in this article.