French NGOs calls for adequate anti-trafficking response from their government. CCEM is part of them.
In a letter sent to Elisabeth Borne, the French Prime Minister, the Collective “Ensemble Against Human Trafficking“, raised concern that there is currently no secretary general of the inter-ministerial mission in charge of anti-trafficking. The last secretary general left in mid-September but there is no information available about her replacement.
The collective which includes CCEM, further regrets that France still does not have an inter-ministerial delegation dedicated to the different forms of human trafficking, neither a National Referral Mechanism (NRM) for the identification and support of victims. Also the 3rd Action Plan for preventing and combating trafficking in human beings is seriously delayed as the previous one finished in 2021.
See call by civil society in French http://www.contrelatraite.org/octobre-2022
The Collective does not understand France’s delay in fulfilling its international commitments in the fight against human trafficking and raised concern that MIPROF’s assessment of the second plan was not disseminated to civil society. The Collective carries out this assessment in conjunction with the National Consultative Commission on Human Rights, independent national rapporteur on human trafficking, in France. The Collective actively participated in the presentation of the survey on victims of trafficking encountered by associations in 2021 and administrative statistics in this area, on October 21, 2022 for the sixth consecutive year. He regrets the lack of means to support the associations.
The Collective is now preparing a contribution for the evaluation of France’s compliance with the UN’s International Convention on the Rights of the Child – this examination was delayed because the French government did not submit its’ report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child in time for the September 2022 session). The group of NGOs also follow France’s Universal Periodic Review of the UN in terms of human rights in order to be able to intervene in the process alongside other civil society organizations. See full call by civil society in French http://www.contrelatraite.org/octobre-2022