Currently La Strada International has 33 members (26 full members and 7 associate members) in 24 European countries.
See here an overview of the Help and Hotline (and contact) numbers of our members.
All members are NGOs, operating independently and from a grass root level addressing human trafficking at European national level. General activities undertaken by Platform members include direct and indirect social support and empowerment programmes for trafficked persons and risk groups including (psycho) social, medical, legal and vocational support, shelter services, long-term reintegration and employment support, provision of consultations and referral via national hotlines, prevention lectures and trainings to professional groups, awareness-raising, lobby, advocacy and media campaigns.
Most La Strada International members run a hotline, often available 24 hours, in some cases toll free. Consultants provide information on destination countries, including information about national situation and legislation of these countries, useful telephone numbers, safety tips and possibilities of help in case of emergencies. If needed, referral can take place to other services via the hotline, including search for missing persons. Several offices provide consultations for migrants, also in foreign languages. Click on your country in the map below to see if there is a La Strada organisation in your country. If you click on the logo you will be able to view the hotline and contact details if available.
Looking for other non-governmental organisations (NGOs) specialised in early identification, safe return and reintegration support to victims of trafficking? Check the social map.