

Are you looking for employment?

Displaced persons from Ukraine should register for temporary protection in order to get legal access to the labour market. If you come from Ukraine but you are not entitled to the temporary protection scheme – do carefully check if you can legally work in the country you are staying.

Check always carefully what the working conditions will be of a possible job offered. What will you be paid, will social insurance be included? Please note that you should not accept conditions if they are not in line with what you agreed with.

If you are offered employment, try to find out more about the company and in case of doubt ask national police authorities or civil society organisations for more information.

Be alarmed when:

  • Someone offers you a job and does not give you information such as the address and the name of the employer.
  • Someone puts pressure on you to decide quickly whether or not to accept the job offer. Take your time to decide on a job offer.
  • Someone offers you a job in connection with free travel and accommodation.
  • Someone who is offering you a job asks you to give them your documents under the pretext that they will arrange everything for you

Information about working in the EU

If  you are displaced from Ukraine with temporary protection and receive adequate protection under national law, you are allowed to work in the different EU countries. You should also be eligible for vocational training and enjoy equal treatment as workers in the EU Member States, in terms of pay and other conditions. See here more information provided by the European Commission on access to the labour market in the EU (Ukrainian) or in English. See here jobs offered via the EURES portal.

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