
Displaced from Ukraine

Are you displaced from Ukraine?

Are you fleeing Ukraine and in need of information and support? See more information provided by the UNHCR. If you need shelter in Ukraine, please see this list.

If you are in Ukraine and you are in a situation or want to report a situation of human trafficking, exploitation or gender based violence please contact our member La Strada Ukraine. They also register and advice in case of conflict related sexual violence. If you are aware of, or have concerns or suspicions about, a possible case of sexual exploitation and abuse by a UNHCR, UN, or NGO staff member, you can report directly to the UNHCR hotline 0 800 307 711 in Ukraine.

If you are outside Ukraine see here a list of helplines en links to the websites run by our members to call in case of exploitation or human trafficking.

Next to our members there is more information by other organisations that you can consult.

protection during flight
international protection