
Resources and news on the impact of Covid-19

La Strada International will keep an updated list of all resources, news and statements on the impact of Covid-19 on human trafficking and labour migration.

This information hub will be accessible by clicking on the Covid-19 tab.

It will include statements and articles like the below:

Impact of Coronavirus (Covid-19)

women wearing facemask and image to corona virusAll 25 La Strada International member organisations follow the national safety restrictions related to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) while trying to ensure that services can continue and that trafficked persons receive adequate assistance and information. Shelters run by our members remain open but have become less accessible and assistance is reduced to a minimum… Read more




La Strada International Statement on Coronavirus

The impact of COVID-19 on the protection of rights of trafficked and exploited personsTo raise awareness for the huge impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) on various vulnerable groups, La Strada International issued a statement to call for attention to the challenging situation of trafficked persons and those vulnerable to trafficking, exploitation and abuse, as well as for targeted measures to ensure their protection and support and prevent their discrimination and unequal treatment… Read more


Joint statement on agri-food workers during Covid-19

28 organisations, including La Strada International, are calling for urgent measures and structural reforms to address the impacts of the novel coronavirus pandemic on EU agriculture and agri-food workers. The joint statement highlights that the labour shortages demonstrate how European agriculture depends to a large extent on migrant workers, many undocumented, who make up a significant proportion of those picking our fruits and vegetables as well as packing and processing our food. What the lack of workers in the fields should also demonstrate is that labour conditions in the agri-food sector have been ignored for too long…Read more




UNDP Human Rights Due Diligence and Covid-19: Rapid Self-Assessment for Business


The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has released a simple tool to help businesses to assess and manage the impact of their operations on human rights impacts.

Whilst this is by no means an exhaustive list, it does allow for a rapid reflection on the human rights risks and impacts common to many industries and is released in the specific context of COVID-19.

It is based on relevant provisions of UN Human Rights Treaties, the ILO Fundamental Conventions, and the UNGPs.

It welcomes, in particular, the reference to the prevention of any type of withdrawal of employee identification, travel papers and/or other documents and allowing for employees to return home, as permitted by national laws, decrees or… Read more.



Anti-Slavery International briefing note ‘Leaving no-one behind’

Anti-Slavery International has published its briefing note: Leaving no-one behind. The briefing note highlights the effect of Covid-19 on persons who are enslaved or vulnerable to slavery. One of the impacts of Covid-19 is the effect on the global economy and increasing widespread unemployment. This means that more people are at risk of exploitation including falling into forced labour and other forms of modern slavery.

The paper provides case-studies and examples as well as policy recommendations which are based on the rapid assessments conducted.

Read more.

ICRSE launches a Call For Action to protect sex workers

two women looking into the cameraLa Strada International supports the International Committee on the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe (ICRSE) Call For Action which aims to shine a red light on the lack of protection for sex workers. Sex worker communities across Europe have reported systemic exclusion from government support measures to substitute for the missing income from the impact of Covid-19.

To read the policy demands in detail, click here.

Fundamental Rights Agency wants to highlight inspiring civil society activities

logo Fundamental Rights AgencyThe FRA wants to shed light on the amazing work being done by civil society during these times. With people across Europe being affected by the wide-ranging impacts of coronavirus, civil society has stepped up and stepped in to play a key role in providing concrete support to societies at risk. These societies can include people in institutions, older people, children of minority groups and many more.

Read more.


Migrante Europe releases a Statement on the impact of Coronavirus

Migrante Europe, a European-wide formation of grassroots organisations with a migration background, has released their statement bringing attention to the vulnerable situation of irregular and undocumented migrants during the Covid-19 pandemic. It calls on national governments and EU institutions to ensure that their response takes into consideration migrants, refugees, and displaced people and recommends that they are regularised (as already done by Portugal), access to social and welfare services, as well as ending immigration detention and deportation.

The statement is open to signatures by clicking this link.

European Commission releases Communication on the implementation of EU provisions on asylum, return and resettlement in light of Covid-19

IOM and UN migration logoThe Commission has recently published a set of guidelines on the implementation of relevant EU provisions in the area of asylum, return procedures and resettlement and COVID-19.

Read the full communication here.