La Strada presents at the European Parliament
On the 2nd of december 2019 La Strada International (LSI), the Platform for International Cooperation on...
On the 2nd of december 2019 La Strada International (LSI), the Platform for International Cooperation on...
Click on the image of the newsletter to download the fifty fifth issue as a PDF-document. ...
As part of the campaign Know your Rights - Claim Compensation, that La Strada International and the partners of...
On the occasion of the European Day against Trafficking in Human Beings, 18 October, La Strada...
The project Justice at Last - European Action for Compensation for Victims of Crime was coordinated by...
Despite what many Europeans think, human trafficking and labour exploitation does not only occur in developing...
Click on the image of the newsletter to download the forty seventh issue as a PDF-document. ...
In the context of current asylum and migration processes within the EU human trafficking takes on...
The project Rights at Work – Tackling Labour Exploitation in All Economic Sectors was implemented over...
La Strada International is part of an international consortium, coordinated by ICMPD that researches the demand-side...