Adpare was founded in 2003. As founding members Adpare had psychologists and social workers with experience in assisting victims of human trafficking. But also adults with mental health problems, domestic violence victims and individuals deprived of natural and common liberties. The experience of the ADPARE team in assisting victims of human trafficking began in 2001. This was the year that the ADPARE founding members were part of the support team for the Transit Assistance Center (CAT) for women victims of human trafficking in Bucharest. Which is the center founded and coordinated by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Mission in Romania.
Str. Pop de Băseşti nr. 49-51, Sc. 2 Ap. 11, Sector 2, Bucharest
Tel/fax: + 40 (0) 21 253 29 04
See also other member organisations that are part of the La Strada International platform, the European Platform against trafficking in human beings.